For years, the Gap had their own Gap rewards credit card that could be used exclusively at the Gap or one of their other brands. Gap entered into a new partnership with VISA to extend their loyalty program beyond the Gap brand stores to everywhere VISA is accepted. Our primary measure of success was proving that the Gap brand was strong enough to pass the credit card ‘date test’—it was essential for customers to use a Gap-branded card for their non-Gap purchases in order to earn rewards at the Gap. With tiered levels of consumer loyalty, a Gap-branded VISA card was a way to significantly elevate the emotional connection the brand has with its existing customers.
The overall system delivers on the objective of ‘cool’ while maintaining the desired ‘clean simplicity.’ From a functional standpoint, the naming and messaging system communicates the program process and benefits in a straightforward and engaging fashion. In addition to the visual language of the cards, Forty Forty extended the design language and voice into collateral, the web, and in-store promotion, using a distinctive branding toolkit.